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Answer to readers comments

Answers to readers comments can only be written by the author Norman Möschter.

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Comment from: I Bebe

Dear Norman,

obviously your singing of your wishes doesn't reach to somebody who could help you, because he would not like to show something of himself.
Wouldn't it be better to sing once in a while of pleasant things? This way you could reach others more easily and get back an answer of someone who cares.
Step for step you would feel better.
Some wishesd never will come true, that belongs to life. Others can be fulfilled if one takes all his bravery into his hands to change the view into oneself. Everybody has things in his soul, heart, character which are acceptable and a "rock" to stay on and trust oneself.
I don't know if I make myself understandable (perhaps of lack of the proper words).
Anyway I wish you well and hope that you find the song that helps.
Kind regards

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