New Poems (english)

Title Author:
MisunderstoodJoseph Trance
HELPINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Elegy to OrpheusPawel Markiewicz
Posture Lex Limes
The Death Of MeJoseph Trance
The longing. The Pindaric odePawel Markiewicz
LIGHTING ETERNITYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Listening For Change!Rolph David
The Tyrant In My MindRolph David
PROPHECYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Pragmatist's Paradox: Trump Through Machiavelli's LensRolph David
A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice ShatteredRolph David
Sea SonnetPaul M. Whiting
The Star-Crossed PotusRolph David
The Triple Passage of MortalityRolph David
The Abyss Beckons!Rolph David
The Chokehold of TwoTyrantsRolph David
The Scales of Justice Tilt in GoldRolph David
The Fact-Check ParadoxRolph David
Trump’s Caesarian MegalomaniaRolph David
Earn Your Say!Rolph David
The Convicted Crown: 6 January 2025Rolph David
The Three WishesRolph David
TOD DER STILLE: EPOPEYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Horizons of What May BeRolph David
The EU's Two Main ParasitesRolph David
The Gilded Fist of GreedRolph David
The Girl Who Sold The StarsRolph David
A King's BornRolph David
On your birthdayStefanie Haertel
SOLSTICIALSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Year of the "Dead" - Gloomy End-of-Year ThoughtsRolph David
From the marshPawel Markiewicz
IN YOUR LOVEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
This Christmas is differentStefanie Haertel
IndestructibleStefanie Haertel
GOLDFINCHES BY THE RIVERAntonio Justel Rodriguez
A day from life of Klaus Werner Swamp-ManPawel Markiewicz
ODE TO THE AIRAntonio Justel Rodriguez
If You Don't Love MeAnastasiia Matiash
PossibilityKlaus Meier
THE HEART IN AUTUMNAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Through His EyesJoseph Trance
The Power of Being You! - Stand Strong and Be YouRolph David
Elva Zona's Last Act!Rolph David
The Breaking Point: The Silent DecentRolph David
22 VERSES-FOUNDATIONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Biggest Loser Ever!Rolph David
The Choice of Ruin!Rolph David
A Nation's FallRolph David
Monster walkLyraLyra Gabriel
America’s Final Hour: Vote Against the Tyrant!Rolph David
Merciless TempestIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
LIFE Joseph Trance
Wake Up America! The Price Of Ignorance Is Too High!Rolph David
StageLyraLyra Gabriel
Northern lightsLyraLyra Gabriel
It's Halloween: The Ghastly Goblin GalaRolph David
Take The Long WayJoseph Trance
TWILIGHT: short songAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Risks We Take With Friends!Rolph David
Germany in the nighttimePawel Markiewicz
Battle WonJoseph Trance
The dreameries with Egyptian catsPawel Markiewicz
The mysteries of four seasonsPawel Markiewicz
MERCHANTS OF THE TEMPLEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Ships & Souls - An inner psychedelic songbook (15)Bernhard Pappe
FIRST REFLECTION Antonio Justel Rodriguez
A Right to Stumble!Rolph David
The Censors' Gag!Rolph David
Seamans Grave or KurskRichard von Lenzano
Life After ReleaseIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
Living happensBernhard Pappe
Flying in the sky againStefanie Haertel
Ex Duobus Unum - Out of Two, One!Rolph David
Vincent van GoghJürgen Wagner
The Culture of ComplaintRolph David
ARRE, ARRE, OLD HORSEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Vanishing of Harold HoltRolph David
Silhouettes of MaliceRolph David
The Colour of MadnessRolph David
The Man I Could Never Be!Rolph David
To the Child I Used to Be!Rolph David
JealousyAnne van Heel
Trumpocentrism: The Mirror & The ThroneRolph David
Abe Lincoln Speaks: A Warning To America!Rolph David
ODE TO THE AIRAntonio Justel Rodriguez
A World That Makes Me Stranger...Rolph David
Where Love Falls...Rolph David
The Uneven Hand!Rolph David
WE ARE ALREADY OTHERSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Tyrants We Were Warned About!Rolph David
Death by SilenceRolph David
The Architecture of SacrificeRolph David
By the SeaLyraLyra Gabriel
The Cruelty of Forced Existence!Rolph David
The Lie Machine!Rolph David
GIVEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Silent Prisons!Rolph David
A Tale of Two Childhoods!Rolph David
In Her Absence!Rolph David
Bee's Don't Bother!Rolph David
Getting to know youStefanie Haertel
Why is there this illness, my love?Stefanie Haertel
SEEK EASILY THE HEARTAntonio Justel Rodriguez
I´m in love with your soulStefanie Haertel
Echo-verse on an unwinning ticketVolodymyr Knyr
The Demagogue!Rolph David
Hiroshima - "Have you already forgotten everything"?Richard von Lenzano
TURN ON ETERNITYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Rise Above!Rolph David
The Darkening Path!Rolph David
The Trump TrapRolph David
Germany On The Brink: Arise Before The Fall!Rolph David
Allons Enfants de la Patrie – The Grazing Shot!Rolph David
THE MEETINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Waltons' Hymn of YesteryearsRolph David
The Infinite Quest!Rolph David
The Last LeafRolph David
The Journey of SometimesRolph David
I sit on the bench in our parkStefanie Haertel
A Quiet Defiance!Rolph David
Sanctum of Solitude!Rolph David
The Gambler's Misstep! - Macron's Fallacy!Rolph David
Words to think aboutThomas Kreuter
Störtebeker's Headless GauntletRolph David
The Treacherous FeatherRolph David
LIBREAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Maternal SolitudeRolph David
True Love UndefinedRolph David
Stick To The Facts!Rolph David
DandelionLyraLyra Gabriel
Het Achterhuis! Reminiscences of Anne FrankRolph David
FREE Antonio Justel Rodriguez
You Are Missed Still!Rolph David
D-Day! An Elegy For The FallenRolph David
IRRUPTION OF SPRINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Wealth In The Everyday!Rolph David
What Goes Around, Comes Around!Rolph David
I wishLeonarda Hommersom
That's How It Always Started!Rolph David
The birdsAurelia Bogner
I'm already deadAurelia Bogner
OF THE SYMBOLSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Essential DualityRolph David
75 Years Of The German Basic LawRolph David
The Beacon Within! - A SonnetRolph David
INTIMATE SONNETAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Homeless SoulIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
Lost LoveIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
Warnings Unheeded. History Repeats Itself!Rolph David
The Spectacle Of Discord: The Decline Of The ESC!Rolph David
Planet 9Lex Limes
The End Of Schickelgruber's TyrannyRolph David
FROM THE WINDOWAntonio Justel Rodriguez
ReverieIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
Xing The Bar...on Tennyson's TracksRolph David
DisappearanceIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
A Regal Smile - A LimerickRolph David
Generation Z: The Coddled Collapse!Rolph David
DestroyedLyraLyra Gabriel
Parable Of The Swing - In Brecht's footsteps...Rolph David
Odyssee Of Hope - A Refugee's TrekRolph David
Ode To Vanity!Rolph David
All Is Vain! - A SonnetRolph David
Truth In The Guise Of A Lie - A Limerick!Rolph David
Beyond the Question Mark: Fate's Final Punctuation Rolph David
DO NOT DIEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
"Szomorú Vasárnap" – Gloomy Sunday – A Sonnet!Rolph David
What Is The Sound Of One Hand Clapping? - A LimerickRolph David
Moonlit Lesson! - A SonnetRolph David
Be Brave: Protrude! - A SonnetRolph David
One Man's Victory, Another's Defeat! Rolph David
Lost Two Kilos! - A LimerickRolph David
MILKY WAYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
A Poem Full Of Deceased Words!Rolph David
MILKY WAYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Anne's Inglorious End - A Sonnet!Rolph David
Anne Boleyn's Last Words - A Sonnet.Rolph David
YOU Had Decided So! – A LimerickRolph David
THE MEETINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Velvet nights of summer's graceJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
The headless mule Lex Limes
Shoot the Stork! - A Limerick.Rolph David
EVELINA NÚÑEZAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Character Cannot Be Photoshopped - A LimerickRolph David
Your kissStefanie Haertel
Bushu Suru! - A LimerickRolph David
VERTEBRATIONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Last Rule Of Trump!Rolph David
A Graveyard Full Of Buried Hopes! - A LimerickRolph David
Bitter Insight! - A LimerickRolph David
INCONCRETE POEMAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Whispers On WaterAndy Berchi
Pieces of GhostsAndy Berchi
Willy's Wise Advice - A Limerick!Rolph David
Long distance relationship Angela Feiertag
A Topsy-Turvy World! - A LimerickRolph David
To Live Is To Fight!Rolph David
MIRACLE Angela Feiertag
On bad diseasesVolodymyr Knyr
LOVE THEME FOR A SAD BALLADAntonio Justel Rodriguez
geometry of broken heartsValentin Schering
SummerdaysLyraLyra Gabriel
Oh, what a joy to be alive!Stefanie Haertel
BRUTAL AND ATROCIOUSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
SuckerPeter Kröger
So many roadsBodo Mario Woltiri
A Soul's Quest!Rolph David
CROSSING BRIDGESAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Hierophant of Unspeakable Evil (Poetic Rap)Andre M. Pietroschek
Silent Harvest: A Gong Farmer's LamentRolph David
Shadows Of SalemRolph David
Rocket SciencePeter Kröger
Learn Inner Peace Through Our Battered EarthRolph David
I miss you Monika Schmeinta-Maier
SPIRITUAL WINTERAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The place where I belongStefanie Haertel
It was a wild rideStefanie Haertel
WoodsJürgen Wagner
OUR HOUSEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
INSTANT AND PLEAAntonio Justel Rodriguez
10 things I hate about you and moreAmelie Inge
About Dark SidesBernhard Pappe
Silence between usAmelie Inge
But I choose lifeStefanie Haertel
TransparentRichard Rodriguez
AUTUMN ODE: DAZZLEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
JUST SAY NO!Richard Rodriguez
Raging SeaJürgen Wagner
Hey Mister Death!Bernhard Pappe
2024 - A Look Ahead!Rolph David
Happy New Year 2024! - A HaikuRolph David
LondonNina Bade
Just a cup of waterJürgen Wagner
Tanzan and EkidoJürgen Wagner
Way to HappinessJürgen Wagner
”Raunächte” or The Twelve Nights After X’masRolph David
MILAREPAJürgen Wagner
The mysterious girlVerena Sifft
The Story Of Ebenezer Scrooge!Rolph David
Beware Of The Spark Of Truth! – A LimerickRolph David
A Different Kind Of Merry X'mas!Rolph David
Have A Merry Christmas! - A sad story.Rolph David
Power of wordsJürgen Wagner
The Matter of RebirthJürgen Wagner
Madness Christmas!Rolph David
The Way To EnlightenmentJürgen Wagner
The Stone SoupJürgen Wagner
The CoconutJürgen Wagner
U R What U Think. – A LimerickRolph David
120 Years Ago Today!Rolph David
A Brainless Proof. - A LimerickRolph David
Optimist and PessimistJürgen Wagner
ColoursClaudia Kühne
The modest RabbiJürgen Wagner
Walk! Don't Talk! - A LimerickRolph David
The Turtle and the FrogJürgen Wagner
Don't You Worry Mate! - A LimerickRolph David
The Mountain MonkJürgen Wagner
ABANDONED LANDAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Contented OneJürgen Wagner
Vincent's Last MoveRolph David
Disgust For The World. A LimerickRolph David
Brother Bruno and the FrogJürgen Wagner
The Three FishermenJürgen Wagner
FarewellRolph David
Not Everyone’s Cuppa – A LimerickRolph David
The Guilty ManJürgen Wagner
If It's Not The Winter, It's... - A Limerick.Rolph David
A Dared Tryst. A LimerickRolph David
PrestigeLex Limes
Ubuntu!Rolph David
SiddhartaJürgen Wagner
RATIONALIZATION OF JOYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Pro dolor - Homo homini lupus non est!Rolph David
A star appeared to meJürgen Wagner
Primadonna assoluta: A Divine Voice Died Away!Rolph David
EASTERJürgen Wagner
A Dubious Social Gaffe!Rolph David
Oh, praise the life on earth so fair!Jürgen Wagner
QuintessenceJürgen Wagner
Trump's Truth - A LimerickRolph David
Are you running out of time?Stefanie Haertel
LIVE NOWAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Heart of CornJürgen Wagner
Give Me The Gift Of Your Absence. A mischievous limerick.Rolph David
Moon VoyageJürgen Wagner
One Born Every MinuteRolph David
Mighty TreesJürgen Wagner
Green StuffJürgen Wagner
Power PlaceJürgen Wagner
AI Poets - A LimerickRolph David
Consider This...A LimerickRolph David
Today is the dayJürgen Wagner
Who can travel with the wind?Jürgen Wagner
Let It Be Trendy Again. A LimerickRolph David
FOR YOUJürgen Wagner
Questionable Celeb GlutRolph David
Mother Hulda's Apple GardenJürgen Wagner
Tall Poppy – A LimerickRolph David
Everything comes backJürgen Wagner
COPPER AFTERNOONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Not My Cuppa! - A LimerickRolph David
The Tree of LifeJürgen Wagner
Happy go luckyJürgen Wagner
Beware of Gas Lighters!Rolph David
The dandelionThomas-Otto Heiden
Believe It Or Not - A nighttime photo ban of the Eiffel TowerRolph David
The jew-treeJürgen Wagner
To my not so chronic illnessSamantha Rhinow
The World TreeJürgen Wagner
Always The Last Word – A LimerickRolph David
The Jug of Tears - A fairy taleJürgen Wagner
The cat Lex Limes
The Grace of Forgiveness - A LimerickRolph David
The letter to the dear LordJürgen Wagner
Unity in DiversityRolph David
MY CITYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Carnival's Birth and the Celebration of St. MartinRolph David
Metamorphosis – A LimerickRolph David
The WorldJürgen Wagner
Wolves in the village - A Zen-storyJürgen Wagner
Germany’s Fateful Day: 9 NovemberRolph David
The ButterflyJürgen Wagner
Whispers Of Disrupted Skies: The Turbulent EchoesRolph David
One YearJürgen Wagner
Regal Reign In The African Plain. A LimerickRolph David
From Thoughts To Your DestinyRolph David
Remember, Remember, The 5th of November...Rolph David
One WeekJürgen Wagner
Some Past In My EyesRolph David
WHEN SUDDENLY A VERSEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Be More Grateful!Rolph David
Pat Reon, Kickstar Police DepartmentAndre M. Pietroschek
Love SongJürgen Wagner
A Sonnet About The Tribulation Of LifeRolph David
Just Three Things!Rolph David
Ulysses and PenelopeInge Hoppe-Grabinger
It's All Borrowed!Rolph David
Hooray For Good Old STANDARD Time!Rolph David
The Three SievesRolph David
An EnigmaRolph David
Trying TimesRolph David
An Undeserved Social EnnoblementRolph David
If I had a SonLisa Kupietz
Life's Cat & MouseRolph David
Solomon's SentenceRolph David
Love With ObstaclesRolph David
In Tyrants' Grip - A Vague Hope?Rolph David
HER AND HIMAntonio Justel Rodriguez
A french and a trenchVolodymyr Knyr
Holocaust in the Bronze SeaAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Autumn: Reality and songAntonio Justel Rodriguez
MEMORYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
I wishSamantha Rhinow
POETRY out of the BOX - PEACE MESSAGESiegfried Fischer
Autumn in the forestAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Publishing A PoemBernhard Pappe
Feelings Monika Schmeinta-Maier
The flight of lightAntonio Justel Rodriguez
HELPINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
When I Saw Him Hanging ThereJoseph Trance
Do You Believe Joseph Trance
We are already othersAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Under An Old SunBernhard Pappe
Only Body FeelingBernhard Pappe
ELLA Y ÉLAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Raw draft poetry: Infinite HotspotsAndre M. Pietroschek
Witches' CauldronAndre M. Pietroschek
Divine dialoguesAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Gone with the windBernhard Pappe
The two horsesAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Beeing a lefty in a left wing Fascist CountryPatrick Rabe
Intimate spring on EarthAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Eagles NestJürgen Wagner
Parents never really die! A freestyle poem attempt.Andre M. Pietroschek
AitiíneAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The CrierPeter Kröger
TONIGHTAntonio Justel Rodriguez
LieMonika Schmeinta-Maier
ObservationsConstanze A.
Under the stormAntonio Justel Rodriguez
UnitedPeter Kröger
RuinsJürgen Wagner
DisconnectPeter Kröger
Utopia releaseAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Of the sun, the moon and age wisdomJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Your Songs Monika Schmeinta-Maier
It needs…Bernhard Pappe
The rumbleMauro Montacchiesi
FIELD OF POPPIESAntonio Justel Rodriguez
My suave MuseMauro Montacchiesi
Michael - we loved youBarbara Stahl-Mosch
PerfectPeter Kröger
The encounterAntonio Justel Rodriguez
ReasonPeter Kröger
The Love of GodJoseph Trance
EBOR GrailAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Pieces out of my mind (Inspiration over a long time)Bernhard Pappe
Purpose And PlanJoseph Trance
Poignant late November tuneMauro Montacchiesi
BE MY HEART'S HAVENMauro Montacchiesi
Dawn through the riverAntonio Justel Rodriguez
House of GlassBernhard Pappe
IN MY MINDMauro Montacchiesi
Language of emotionsJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
HighAntonio Justel Rodriguez
MotherMike Arnold
YouKlaus Lutz
Twilight: Brief songAntonio Justel Rodriguez
sanguineDoris Groiß
TornJan Güldenpfennig
FIELD OF POPPIESAntonio Justel Rodriguez
YET LIFE FLOWSMauro Montacchiesi
HACIA EL MAR DE CRISTALAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Can you find it in your heart?Mike Arnold
Don't speak with your heart fullAndrew Alison
TERRESTRIAL AND DIVINEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Soul Kitchen – An inner psychedelic songbook (14)Bernhard Pappe
There is only lightMike Arnold
WIND NIGHT CELEBRATIONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
As these stars aboveMike Arnold
How can I?Mike Arnold
Financial Apartheid Laws - Freestyle Poetic MusingAndre M. Pietroschek
MY OWN INQUISITION [compelling youth]Antonio Justel Rodriguez
Our DeathBernhard Pappe
When you whisper along to your favorite songsJan Güldenpfennig
AND THE VALKYRIES LOVE ITAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Mental acrobaticsSarah Müller
AND THE VALKYRIES LOVE ITAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Lone Stars, Sixguns, & Red Orc Tomahawks (Wild West Poetic)Andre M. Pietroschek
Undying Hate - Unfinished Free Verse PoemAndre M. Pietroschek
Springtime awakeningJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Four society-critical Myku-Haiku (with notes)Andre M. Pietroschek
The Invasion's Toll (Russia-Ukraine War)Andre M. Pietroschek
Not despite, but because I loved you!Andre M. Pietroschek
The four-letter wordBernhard Pappe
THE WATER GUARDIANAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Standing Up Again! (Free Verse Homeless Poem)Andre M. Pietroschek
The Witch I Fear! (Free Verse Poetic Musing)Andre M. Pietroschek
poor and richBodo Mario Woltiri
TWILIGHT: short chantAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Me and YouJürgen Wagner
Feet on the groundBernhard Pappe
ABANDONED LANDAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Eternal HuntBernhard Pappe
THE GRAIL OF EBORAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Then came the day in January Thomas-Otto Heiden
GRAIL WARRIORSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
SerendipitySarah Müller
FICTION AND POETIC EPICAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Heart of a DragonMathis H.
JuvenileSarah Müller
UTOPIA AND BEAUTYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
This yearJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
MirroringMona Steinke
Complete concreteRebecca K.
CELEBRATION OF ROSES [Intimate Elegy]Antonio Justel Rodriguez
DestroyedKlaus Lutz
THE WOUNDAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Christmas TreeJoseph Trance
LOVE THEME FOR A SAD BALLADAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Game OverThomas Dreischhoff
Just keep your eyes on meStefanie Haertel
IMMORTAL ECHOESAntonio Justel Rodriguez
AutumnJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
THAT LASTAntonio Justel Rodriguez
StillnessJoseph Trance
Don’t Pay Your Lifestyle With Your LifeBarbara Mewes-Trageser
Only one prayerStefanie Haertel
A tree of memoriesStefanie Haertel
Give Love a Big Chance to WinBarbara Mewes-Trageser
THE CREATION: AN OPEN PLANAntonio Justel Rodriguez
I feel your soul on mineStefanie Haertel
TonightStefanie Haertel
The Arts of the World SocietyBarbara Mewes-Trageser
Pesky*Volodymyr Knyr
Silly PenelopeInge Hoppe-Grabinger
The Buddhist PathJürgen Wagner
Water, Food and God the CompassBarbara Mewes-Trageser
Luck Is …Barbara Mewes-Trageser
A Glance in ViennaMathis H.
FIRST REFLECTIONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
True OnenessGrace Hope
No More Discriminations EverBarbara Mewes-Trageser
I'm just a girlSamantha Rhinow
the golden table Doris Groiß
Shadow Waltz - An inner psychedelic songbook (13)Bernhard Pappe
ODE TO THE AIRAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Hold my scarsMerit Sprang
ODE TO THE AIRAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Falling momentsConny Kirsten
The stars, the moon, and the waterLex Limes
Strong Women Angela Feiertag
Shit happensHartmut Wagner
IRRUPTION OF LOVEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Midnight LambruscoBessie Celeste
Welcome Dr. Charming Harley QuinnLex Limes
DECLARATION: 21ST CENTURYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Colorful butterflies flutter on the buddleja plants,Brigitte Waldner
Contempt drips from his eyes,Brigitte Waldner
15 VERSES TO THE BREADAntonio Justel Rodriguez
IncompatibilityHeinrich Baumgarten
Wrinkles Bessie Celeste
WAR IN THE LIVING NIGHTAntonio Justel Rodriguez
OF THE SYMBOLSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Believing is surviving Stefanie Haertel
Summer fantasy under parasolJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Cemetery FlowersBessie Celeste
Cirque de moiBessie Celeste
OF THE SYMBOLSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
VORAGEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
A Heart full of LoveIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
WhyThomas Dreischhoff
POETIC REBELLIONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Nothing more to say!Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
The Woman of my DreamsAnton Bradinger
FICTION AND POETIC EPICAntonio Justel Rodriguez
OUR HOUSEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Black SoulMonika Schmeinta-Maier
WarmongerFrederik Kloiber
WHEN SUDDENLY A VERSEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Perfect Future Makes Past And Present SimpleHeinrich Baumgarten
Lazy summer afternoonJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Toto phonesHartmut Wagner
UTOPIA-LUMBREAntonio Justel Rodriguez
ElevationsJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
The Maggot LuiseThomas-Otto Heiden
IRRUPTION OF SPRINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
We have to announceAnton Bradinger
My FridgeThomas-Otto Heiden
TESTE DELL'ACCUSAAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Darkness adventureJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Loosing Control Jessica Reinert
Dark SideJessica Reinert
When I WriteRebecca K.
CageAnna Weithaas-Lachtrup
The gentle death of a loveJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
CREATE THE TIMEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
DespairJessica Reinert
Eyes like starsAnna Weithaas-Lachtrup
WavesAnna Weithaas-Lachtrup
OF THE DIVINE FIREAntonio Justel Rodriguez
On one neighbor of UkraineVolodymyr Knyr
FIRST REFLECTIONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Brick in the wallBernhard Pappe
Ship and ratsVolodymyr Knyr
Neptune and sea monstersVolodymyr Knyr
mindfulnessDaniel Gunter
THE GRAIL OF EBORAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Junk NewsHeinrich Baumgarten
the admonition!Doris Groiß
A war lamentationBernhard Pappe
Dreamaholic's LullabyHeinrich Baumgarten
TasteHeinrich Baumgarten
IRRUPTION OF SPRINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Collateral DamageAnton Bradinger
Subjects Are ObjectsHeinrich Baumgarten
Great-Grandmother's WalkmanHeinrich Baumgarten
REPUBLICANISMAntonio Justel Rodriguez
An attack as a tackVolodymyr Knyr
CASHHeinrich Baumgarten
Creation's Last DreamHeinrich Baumgarten
night-time dialogueAnton Bradinger
Who is not with us Volodymyr Knyr
Consumer Number OneHeinrich Baumgarten
FugitiveVolodymyr Knyr
Brutal attacksVolodymyr Knyr
GRAIL FLOWER [Solomon's Temple, portico]Antonio Justel Rodriguez
On closing the skyVolodymyr Knyr
He who was... Volodymyr Knyr
Hungry occupantsVolodymyr Knyr
My Girls (With german translation/mit deutscher Übersetzung)Patrick Rabe
MapsLea Kardov
No-fly zoneVolodymyr Knyr
THE FLIGHT OF LIGHTAntonio Justel Rodriguez
No happy endMelina Gittner
Bombs and catacombsVolodymyr Knyr
relevantBodo Mario Woltiri
Journey Of A HeartE. C. Montana
FREEDOM MANAntonio Justel Rodriguez
OF FLOWERINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
I am what I am 💝Ursula Rischanek
Your Love Monika Schmeinta-Maier
HER AND HIMAntonio Justel Rodriguez
with youMarco Werner
Traveling Down Life’s HighwaysE. C. Montana
THE WATER GUARDIANAntonio Justel Rodriguez
DECIDINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
saturday february 29Lea Sonnleitner
HYMN-LIGHTAntonio Justel Rodriguez
DIVINE DIALOGSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The gods of false promisesFrederik Kloiber
Failed PolyarmoryVanessa Toh
HELPINGAntonio Justel Rodriguez
love and friendshipJalesu
2021 - Forever Over!Rolph David
BUILDING THE COSMOSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
It's just...Rolph David
SOLSTICIALAntonio Justel Rodriguez
PromisesAmelie-Jade Opfinger
In Prixie´s GripRolph David
Seven cooksAlfred Hermanni
THE GRAIL OF EBORAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Little BitchRebecca K.
Virgin’s mind – An inner psychedelic songbook (12)Bernhard Pappe
POETRY: building fireAntonio Justel Rodriguez
HALITS Antonio Justel Rodriguez
Blessed ChildBernhard Pappe
The quarrelInge Hoppe-Grabinger
EVOCATING OSIRISAntonio Justel Rodriguez
THE WATER GUARDIANAntonio Justel Rodriguez
BushfireIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
Rescue in DistressIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
The furious TempestIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
NOISEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The KangarooIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
The stubborn WallabyIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
The talkative ParrotIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
ElementsJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
The Power of No:Frederik Kloiber
AUTUMN ODE: DARKNESSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The Tantalizing FlyIngrid Baumgart-Fütterer
INTIMATE SONG OF AMPAROAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Freedom...Frederik Kloiber
TEMPLE MERCHANTSAntonio Justel Rodriguez
For The Life Of MeJoseph Trance
Pandemic LightJoseph Trance
DECLARATION: XXI CENTURYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Music is my addictionSamantha Rhinow
MonstersSamantha Rhinow
Rest in peace – Requiescat in pace – Riposi in paceBernhard Pappe
A real blue Blues, Depression BluesHartmut Wagner
And it came and wentAntonio Justel Rodriguez
SadPeter Kröger
Toilets Volodymyr Knyr
powerSamantha Rhinow
LOVE THEME FOR A SAD BALLADAntonio Justel Rodriguez
REPUBLICANISM Antonio Justel Rodriguez
A Rainy DayMartin Hünemöller
FREE Antonio Justel Rodriguez
The WordArtistMonika Schmeinta-Maier
INTIMATE PROPOSITIONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Scruffy feetElisa Leschek
29 VERSES-BASISAntonio Justel Rodriguez
FIRST REFLECTIONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
SheSamantha Rhinow
patientJürgen Jost
WorldsJürgen Jost
A poem for you 2.0Melina Gittner
homelessJürgen Jost
MarpleousJürgen Jost
You promisedSamantha Rhinow
Time Monika Schmeinta-Maier
Them and meSergio Lubel
ChaserRené Henrique Götz Licht
ASUNCIÓN PÉREZ: my paternal grandmotherAntonio Justel Rodriguez
A peach and a speechVolodymyr Knyr
GlitzerMonika Schmeinta-Maier
What movesJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Golden Ways and Times of Sorrow - for V. v. GoghJürgen Wagner
You killed meSamantha Rhinow
WordTobias Lux
14 verses of freedomAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Devil in disguiseVanessa Thöni
FROM THE WINDOWAntonio Justel Rodriguez
That´s meAlina Rahner
FREEAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Who I amSamantha Rhinow
Left here without youJule Valentin
HOW LOVE WASAntonio Justel Rodriguez
a termagant witchInge Hoppe-Grabinger
COPPER AFTERNOONAntonio Justel Rodriguez
A spinsterInge Hoppe-Grabinger
FOR US, THE AFFLICTEDAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Longstreet/ Langstrasse ( Zürich)Marco Werner
AphroditeInge Hoppe-Grabinger
a quiet prescienceElisabeth Heilos
you say, you know meSamantha Rhinow
A place like heaven Doris Groiß
Sahara SongJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
I loved youSamantha Rhinow
Dialogue...💞Ursula Rischanek
OR MY WIFE - Antonio Justel Rodriguez
The Elephant in the China ShopKarl Wiener
C-19: TRANSMUTATION OF ANGERAntonio Justel Rodriguez
The hopeful day of democracyInge Offermann
TRUMP - COVID - BREXITAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Outside of the BoxMathis H.
things that shineElisabeth Heilos
the mistletoeElisabeth Heilos
Last Night In Octembbrua Thomas-Otto Heiden
A strange Christmas silenceJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Dirty Rag Comes CleanJoseph Trance
Perfectly wrongAnnika Grieger
LovePatrick Rabe
Corona Town, where I was born (Two more versions)Patrick Rabe
Corona Town, where I was born (my version of "Barbara Allen")Patrick Rabe
RATIONALIZATION OF JOYAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Magic of the compact discPatrick Rabe
CREATOR SOURCE: synopsisAntonio Justel Rodriguez
Oh sisterNorman Möschter
Spirit on the HighwayPatrick Rabe
Fun back thenNorman Möschter
you will only see greatness with your heartSteven Bell
CoronaRené Schäfer
God Made For Me An I.LP.Joseph Trance
Good morningJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
What CountsJoseph Trance
How much farewell is left?Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
The idol of my youthKarl Wiener
The secretJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
headless Cicero (a limerick)Inge Hoppe-Grabinger
Shades, spirits and fleshPatrick Rabe
The thousand and purest nightJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
A thunderstorm in summertimeKarl Wiener
DREAM IS...TO LIVEManlio Fabio Jurado Hernández
Spirit of mankind (mit Erklärung in deutsch)Patrick Rabe
Personal problems on a global screenPatrick Rabe
GREAT I AMGrace Hope
Look! (incuding german translation/mit deutscher Übersetzung)Patrick Rabe
ScanPeter Kröger
TruthPeter Kröger
MistakenPeter Kröger
Poetry obscured by minds – An inner psychedelic songbook (11)Bernhard Pappe
By His BloodJoseph Trance
The place in the stripesJoseph Trance
Life is preciousStefanie Haertel
Only three words...❣️Ursula Rischanek
Across The Great DivideJoseph Trance
The Very Air Itself Joseph Trance
Savior KingJoseph Trance
The moment between the doorsHannah Eilert
I didn't know I could feel it Hannah Eilert
Just a dream Hannah Eilert
E...Gabriele Zarotti
Whisper in My SoulAngela Pokolm
ArisingJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Roses on beachesSamoa Rider
AlleycatSamoa Rider
Love River ForeverHicham El Qendouci
Hearts in partsSukejna Haracic
Not Everything Is LoveNina Nowak
Not Friends AnymoreNina Nowak
Silent coronationSven Eisenberger
It´s you I asume Sukejna Haracic
Until sun risesSukejna Haracic
H U M A N ???Marlene Remen
1985 charted outSven Eisenberger
Little Walk in TownMarie Sophie
Ways of our lifeJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
If I were in your shoesVolodymyr Knyr
Let's call a spide (anti-proverb)Volodymyr Knyr
FUCK HATERMichael Hübner
life´s circleBianca Schulze
ContrastTadeusz Bukowski
A very unusual way.....🌠Ursula Rischanek
Magdalene's brainPatrick Rabe
GhostsJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
PoetryLaura Prigge
How much does a life cost?Bernhard Pappe
Switched on and of ....?💔Ursula Rischanek
forbidden desireJana Kaiser
CousinsJoseph Trance
AutumnJasmin Fischer
Who are you?Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
SummerJasmin Fischer
WinterJasmin Fischer
SpringJasmin Fischer
First they adore...Volodymyr Knyr
Schrödinger's catInge Hoppe-Grabinger
Unpretty womenVolodymyr Knyr
On (f)rigidityVolodymyr Knyr
A Gaul and GaullismVolodymyr Knyr
Jesus and The Common ColdJoseph Trance
Peaches and creamVolodymyr Knyr
An aidVolodymyr Knyr
It's a Trap!Karl-Konrad Knooshood
Tell me why? Ramona Benouadah
The Chord on the FloorNiclas Bartsch
An extremal sex streamVolodymyr Knyr
The taskVolodymyr Knyr
Tell me darling....💔Ursula Rischanek
It's hotVolodymyr Knyr
PersephoneeInge Hoppe-Grabinger
Whatever boy-friendVolodymyr Knyr
A retailerVolodymyr Knyr
John, the revelatorPatrick Rabe
Justice, revisited!Karl-Konrad Knooshood
A StainMJ Hamilton
CROWNIvan Sokac
CANDLEIvan Sokac
SHADOWIvan Sokac
THE PASTIvan Sokac
Mr. StrawmanKarl-Konrad Knooshood
MY DEARIvan Sokac
too capaciousInge Hoppe-Grabinger
SHIPSIvan Sokac
Snowman, Bonhomme de Neige, Karl-Konrad Knooshood
19 Seconds (of Beweiskraft) (One Year after) Karl-Konrad Knooshood
Feelings...❤️Ursula Rischanek
Theophania and the flesh failures Part 1 and 2Patrick Rabe
Thougths of a treeJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
moonlightMonika Schmeinta-Maier
nothing but a hyperboleInge Hoppe-Grabinger
Unexplained ContradictionsMaddiie Vali
epigonicInge Hoppe-Grabinger
a hole in his soulInge Hoppe-Grabinger
[Dog]Peter Kröger
lost am INorman Möschter
You and I Peter Kröger
Proper presentHans Fritz
IphigeniaInge Hoppe-Grabinger
HerculesInge Hoppe-Grabinger
Eurydicee and OrpheusInge Hoppe-Grabinger
Be who you want to be!Sandra Geiger
The truth.Sandra Geiger
Fish FoodElisabeth Koop
What life and art have in commonJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Milky clouds in black coffees and other storiesBernhard Pappe
intuitionInge Hoppe-Grabinger
Light and Shadow Ramona Benouadah
You lived, my heartSamoa Rider
DancingHeike Weinberg
AIMING TO THE SEARuediger Lambert
My heroSamoa Rider
Cupids last standSamoa Rider
Standing strongSamoa Rider
The huntSamoa Rider
NakedSamoa Rider
Game, with Rules, without any ValueFlorian Klima
WanderlustSamoa Rider
poppy flowersIngeborg Jansen-Buchen
PresumptuousKarl Wiener
What changed?Larissa Lamadé
LOST DAYSMarlene Remen
God’s MirrorBernhard Pappe
omnivoreInge Hoppe-Grabinger
LOST FRIENDRichard Rodriguez
May I be freeSue Honig
ThoughtsJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
mixed drinksRichard Rodriguez
united are weRichard Rodriguez
A tough autumn blues (Good day for a dark sun)Bernhard Pappe
The kissJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Umbrella WonderBernhard Pappe
TRUE THATRichard Rodriguez
Refugee Poetry AustriaBrigitte Waldner
TranslatorMartín Renán Tirado Alvarez
Red skies dancingPatrick Rabe
DedicationMartín Renán Tirado Alvarez
Remembering a loveBernhard Pappe
AuctionMartín Renán Tirado Alvarez
The Enlightened OneJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
EcstasyJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Would love be without pain the birth of eternity? Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
THE FISHGeorges Ettlin
HandSue Honig
Plastic Bags in SeasNorbert Schimmelpfennig
ToleranceKarl Wiener
The Song of the NightingaleKarl Wiener
The four ElementsKarl Wiener
FriendshipKarl Wiener
YouSue Honig
PensiveKarl Wiener
Between hope and longingJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Forget-Me-NotJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
An untitled dreamBernhard Pappe
Lovingness TryThomas McQuitty
may-beConny Kirsten
Nature´s Magic Mirror.Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
so sadRosita Bannier
First LoveKarl Wiener
a fortune tellerInge Hoppe-Grabinger
A day offJürgen Wagner
Dear bride and bridegroomHans Raasch
MOTHERSElisab Beatriz Valero
Farewell visionJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Belonging (the shortest holorhyme)Volodymyr Knyr
When the fogs are dissolvingJürgen Wagner
EPHEMERAL GLORYManlio Fabio Jurado Hernández
âï äàìåäéí , Manlio Fabio Jurado Hernández
Let’s get ready for… - Ready – Steady - GoBernhard Pappe
THE GARDEN OF GODManlio Fabio Jurado Hernández
Orfeo's SongPatrick Rabe
EXISTENCE...ILUSSIONManlio Fabio Jurado Hernández
AllSabine Lau
MURMUR OF SILENCEManlio Fabio Jurado Hernández
Something missingSue Honig
LifeSue Honig
obituaryHeike Wenig
W H Y, W H Y, W H Y ???Marlene Remen
Home is ...Jürgen Wagner
BequeathPeter Kröger
Refreshing hourJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
The fight against the dragonInge Hoppe-Grabinger
GoddessPeter Kröger
LoversPeter Kröger
Friendship with treesJürgen Wagner
[Anyway]Peter Kröger
When days become longerInge Hoppe-Grabinger
Christmas MeditationJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
Ein anderes WeihnachtsgedichtUrsula Bleitner
What I really wantSue Honig
An earthquakeVolodymyr Knyr
Fish breaking silence (Drowning home)Patrick Rabe
The Body SongBernhard Pappe
A pacifistVolodymyr Knyr
I´m sorry MomRuediger Lambert
The leap into the new year of lifeJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
My LordElisab Beatriz Valero
Plastic surgery Volodymyr Knyr
A day in a life - An inner psychedelic songbook (10)Bernhard Pappe
On those who often plightVolodymyr Knyr
A chess pieceVolodymyr Knyr
A long stateVolodymyr Knyr
Meeting a dillVolodymyr Knyr
Ahasver Volodymyr Knyr
Dolly girlsVolodymyr Knyr
A babe and a breedVolodymyr Knyr
Time to relaxVolodymyr Knyr
Not no oneVolodymyr Knyr
Beware!Volodymyr Knyr
My friend the treeJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
BottleneckSven Eisenberger
A baby of a mermaidVolodymyr Knyr
Between everythingKlaus Meier
An antialcohol campaign-2Volodymyr Knyr
gun treeNorman Möschter
Summer loveJürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
An antialcohol campaignVolodymyr Knyr
Slightly warriedSven Eisenberger
A timeless sightOriada Dajko
Pressing a brake Volodymyr Knyr
I dance for meÉmilia Francine Rennart
YouÉmilia Francine Rennart
MatryoshkaOriada Dajko
A man and a witchVolodymyr Knyr
A sexistVolodymyr Knyr
An oculist and a ridiculistVolodymyr Knyr
Comics Volodymyr Knyr
For sophistsVolodymyr Knyr
A(n af)fairVolodymyr Knyr
Dead FoxAndrew Alison
universal audioRobert Zabek
TweensVolodymyr Knyr
A babe and her admirer Volodymyr Knyr
A weanVolodymyr Knyr
A fere and a sphereVolodymyr Knyr
A peer Volodymyr Knyr
long time no seeRobert Zabek
A pretty shitVolodymyr Knyr
Brides must know thatVolodymyr Knyr
An X-rayVolodymyr Knyr
Modern LoveGabriele Melms
A golf(-)clubVolodymyr Knyr
A s(tic)kVolodymyr Knyr
A piss-pot Volodymyr Knyr
An ass-kickerVolodymyr Knyr